Tacoma Divorce Statistics

According to information pulled from the CDC, Washington State ranked 20th out of the 50 states for highest divorce rates in 2021. Despite a slightly lower ranking compared to other states, there were 22,062 recorded divorces in Washington State alone in 2022.

As the 3rd biggest city in Washington state, Tacoma has a significant percentage of these divorces. In fact, roughly 1 out of every 8 marriages in Tacoma end up in divorce. This translates to roughly 12% of all married couples living in Tacoma experiencing divorce.

Understanding the important divorce statistics and what they mean for Tacoma residents is crucial in providing support and resources to those going through a divorce.

If you are about to begin the process of divorce or are already going through one in Tacoma, WA, please contact the attorneys at Bliss Law Group by calling 253-499-8731 for a consultation with an experienced divorce attorney.

How Bliss Law Group Can Help with Divorce in Tacoma

Going through a divorce is one of the most challenging events you will experience in your lifetime. It can be emotionally, physically, and financially exhausting..

Should children be involved in your family law matter, it can feel downright devastating at times; not only for you, but for your children.

This is why it is essential to seek knowledgeable and experienced legal assistance that will protect you and your children while providing you guidance and support throughout the separation process.

Here at Bliss Law Group, our first priority is minimizing the damage to all involved parties, including any children. Our Tacoma divorce attorneys understand that every family is unique and will take the time to understand your specific situation, concerns, and goals.

We encourage families, when feasible, to utilize alternative processes such as uncontested divorce, collaborative law, and/or divorce mediation to help reduce the financial burdens and excessive stress that litigation often creates.

Of course, we recognize that there are situations where it is impossible to come to any amicable agreements. Whether your spouse is unwilling to work cooperatively, or there are minimal points of contention, we are here for you.

You can reach us by phone at 253-499-8845 or by filling out a short contact form.

How Common are Divorces in Tacoma?

While it is difficult to determine exactly how many divorces occur in Tacoma each year as the state primarily reports divorce statistics at both the state and county level, we do know that there were 22,062 divorces reported in Washington state in 2022.

From that total, in Pierce County there was 2,596 total divorces in 2022. That makes Pierce County the second highest county in Washington State for divorces.

Given Tacoma’s population and ranking as the third-largest city in Washington, it is safe to estimate that a significant number of divorces reported in Pierce County originate from Tacoma residents.

Of a population of 937,400 in Pierce County, the divorce rate in 2022 was 2.8 per 1,000 population. This is the same rate as the state average.

Divorce Statistics in Tacoma, WA

According to Tacoma divorce statistics published by the Washington State Department of Health, Pierce County had 2,596 total divorces in 2022 with an overall divorce rate of 2.8 per 1,000 population.

The following are additional statistics related to divorce in Tacoma and Pierce County:

  • There were 2,596 divorces in 2022
  • There were 2,761 divorces in 2021
  • There were 2,670 divorces in 2020
  • There were 3,075 divorces in 2019
  • There were 3,341 divorces in 2018
  • There were 3,085 divorces in 2017
  • There were 3,169 divorces in 2016
  • There were 2,974 divorces in 2015
  • There were 3,234 divorces in 2014
  • There were 3,227 divorces in 2013
  • There were 3,215 divorces in 2012
Divorces in Pierce County & Washington State from 2012-2022

Divorces in Pierce County & Washington State from 2012-2022

Given that the population in Pierce County was recorded at 812,162 in 2012, and the divorce rate was at 4.0 per 1,000 population, it can be seen that the overall divorce rate has decreased over time.

This decrease may indicate a positive trend towards more amicable solutions and alternative methods to traditional litigated divorces.

Schedule a Consultation with Our Tacoma Divorce Attorneys

Despite the trends that represent a lower divorce rate in Pierce County, if you are going through a divorce in Tacoma, it’s essential to seek legal guidance.

The experienced and compassionate team at Bliss Law Group is here to support and assist you through this difficult time.

We offer a wide range of services, from uncontested divorce to collaborative law to traditional litigation representation. Our team will work with you to find the best solution for your unique situation.

Contact us today at 253-499-8731 for a consultation with one of our Tacoma divorce attorneys. We are ready to advocate for you and help ease the burden of this challenging process.