Karisa Wessling

Introducing Paralegal
Karisa Wessling

With a career starting at Pierce County Superior Court in Tacoma right after high school, Karisa Wessling has a rich trajectory that has seen her manage cases along with legal pleadings and provide assistance to self-represented individuals. These early experiences sparked her enduring passion for further helping others navigate complex legal landscapes.

A desire to make a more personal impact led Karisa toward family law. She opted to join Bliss Law Group, attracted by its practice of acceptance in a non-judgment environment and a safe place for people in stressful, life-altering situations. Her own upbringing in a blended family has given her a deep understanding of the significance of a harmonious family dynamic and clear communication.

As a proficient family law Paralegal Assistant, Karisa plays a pivotal role in both client relations and team collaboration. She demystifies the legal process for clients, prepares them for forthcoming steps and meticulously handles intricate research as well as accurate and compelling drafting of legal documents.

Hailing from Yelm, Washington, Karisa relishes the Pacific Northwest lifestyle with her family and young daughter. Their shared love for cooking, camping, and kayaking epitomizes their adventurous spirit and love of the outdoors.

Since joining Bliss Law Group, Karisa has found inspiration in the firm’s dedicated attorneys who tirelessly advocate for their clients. She is honored to be an integral part of the BLG team, contributing to their mission of providing compassionate legal services.